Wednesday, February 21, 2007

samjhauta blasts...hand of God?

it was saddening to read about the samjhauta express blasts that killed several people. Among the several people who lost their dear ones is shaukat ali. i was touched by the quote on the front page of today's TOI. it read, " chacha, ayesha bach gayi". It is hard to express how much those words mean to a parent who is ruing the loss of 5 of his 6 children. 6 children...6 children...its not a normal number...its high, abnormally high... so high that i'm forced to think that god is involved in these blasts

yes, i'm being highly insensitive...yes, the blast could happen to my family i specify now that when i speak, i speak in general...for everyone...for india.

i somehow am forced to see this event as part of a bigger scheme of things...something that is under the control of a superior power...well, it can also be reasoned beyond doubt to be the error-correcting manifestation of a master algorithm that governs life on earth. the former is beyond the scope of everyone;
think about the latter, its just like a dense forest burning itself in a forest fire; friction....nature's corrective measure

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

help yourself

i realised why i never read self help books. there are 2 kinds of people in this world - people who put into practice what they read from such books and people who don't. I clearly belong to the latter set, which is why i don't see any point in them books. It is clear to see that whatever said in these books is logical and practical and all that. There are hundreds of them and i can confidently say that all of it makes sense. But there is one basic pre-requisite to imbibing from any of these books.

It is called determination/hard-work

the crude diligence to stick to it. someone give me a book on that so that i can procrastinate over reading it