Wednesday, January 17, 2007

tipping point

when you go to a restaurant, you go there expecting good food and good service. So when you get bad service, you naturally become angry. I,become confused! Coz good service, is a pretty straightforward thing to deal with. Everything is prim and proper and there are smiles all around. All I have to do, is place a handsome tip and i'm done. But when service is bad, lots of possible reactions fight for attention in my convoluted mind. For one, i contemplate not tipping the waiter at all, thus punishing him for his incompetence. Then i think he'd take revenge and spit/fart/(whatever) into my order the next time; well, if there be one. Another thought tells me that i should be more compassionate - "what if he's having a bad day?" or even better "what if he's serving his notice period after a pink slip" - if the latter be the case, he certainly wouldn't be too concerned about service. Then again, i presume that he might be in need of money and it would be harsh on my part to not tip him.
With all these perspectives in mind, i end up neither here nor there. I tip him a pittance and walk out with mixed emotions. The waiter mentally yells "bastard" at me and makes sure he rigs my order the next time. I thus successfully demonstrate a lose-lose situation

i make it look so easy. don't i?

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